Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Perfect Balance

Date night last night :-) but I went over a little (73 cals) because an appetizer sounded SOOOOO good. :-( But today, I achieved PERFECT BALANCE! A perfect 0 without even trying! I was actually a little worried when I remembered a snack I had earlier that I had forgotten to input, but I went ahead and put it in and came out okay! I do think I'm falling back into my snacking routine again, though, so I really need to watch out and try to keep the sweets urges in check.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Keepin' on

Net 37 cals under today. Yesterday... ???? It was the party, and while I think I did ok, I couldn't say for sure. Exercises - done! No weight lost this week, but a grand total of 6 lbs so far, and none gained, so that 's pretty good! This week's treat was a small hot fudge sundae that awesome hubby portioned for me so I wouldn't be tempted to go overboard, and it was YUMMY! I am 3 weeks in and feeling good. Next challenges: get early morning sleep schedule back on track before school starts, begin weekly photos and measurements to more accurately track my progress!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Short (very short) term goal MET!

Day 3 of tic-tac-toe successful. 2net cals remain, and both workouts DONE!Next goal: survive the Friday party. I wish I could save up extra cals from the week to put on pRty days!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tic-tac-toe, Three in a row!

Did it again, both scheduled exercise routines and came in a net of 200 cals under goal! Very happy and ready to get #3 tomorrow!

Will I ever NOT be tired?

Didn't post yesterday because I was up too late doing other things again. This time it was making a paper lantern chain for the party Friday. A little nervous about that coming up because it is so easy to overeat at parties! I will have to be really careful. Overall yesterday was a 50/50 kind of day. I was so tired, I never got around to doing my morning exercise, but I did stay under my calorie goal by 155!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I don't even want to talk about it. Over. WAY over. Once I calculated it, it was not as far over as I though, but still up there.... In the 600 range.

What I feel good about:
It added up to a "normal" amount, and really before I started this I was most certainly going a bit over that on a daily basis.
I did my exercise this morning. Yoga... Yaay!
It was nice to eat what felt like a good amount of food.
If you don't bend a little somewhere, I really think you break. I just have to make sure those bends aren't too big or too often.
It wasn't as bad as it could have been (could have gotten the whole milk and whip in that Starbucks, could have eaten a bother cookie, could have gotten a bigger sandwich, etc.)

What I feel bad about:
I went over.
I was not "consistently" meeting my goal.
I did eat the extra cookie after saying, " you know, I probably shouldn't have another."
I skipped two evening workouts already this week and since I was out very late tonight and did not do a make-up exercise, I won't get my reward.... Unless my really, really nice, sweet, AWESOME family let's me make it up elsewhere.

Tomorrow i Need:
To provide a healthy dessert for a cookout (mostly so I'll have an easy choice when faced with a sweets craving)
Lots of strength to only take the good choices!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Spring Forward

I stayed up way too late last night watching a movie with hubby, so no post. Not that I really WANTED to post that I went 41 calories over my goal anyway. It was the Flavia machine staring at me in the doctor's office that did it. It WAS a yummy Milky Way Mochaccino, but not sure it was worth the extra calories... I forsee winter being very difficult with the comfort foods available and traditions of hot chocolate for the family on cold evenings. I did my designated exercise but still netted over, boo. But today was a new day, and forward I move!

I am feeling pretty good about today. Number one, I lost almost another whole pound (.9 to be exact!) That makes a grand total of 4 in the past week, though I'm pretty sure the quick start is just water. We shall see. Number two, I did my morning exercise in the afternoon because my late night made me too tired to do it early. I am proud of myself for still doing it. Number three, I netted 130 calories under my goal! I gave myself a mini reward of no evening calisthenics since it would only burn another 70 cals and because I've been so tired. Hopefully I will get to sleep a little earlier so I can start a little fresher tomorrow. For tonight, sweet dreams!